“其他组织对此表示惊讶:‘你做了什么?! How much?!彭宁顿绝对是催化剂."
Alex Pina | House Corporation President
Delta Tau Delta - MIT
"The Pennington & Company team is amazing to work with. The unwavering support Pennington offers makes our campaign board feel comfortable and confident, 这是一个伟大的士气助推器,当然有助于我们的整体成功."
Nikki Comstock Johnson | Delta Beta House Corporation总裁
Delta Gamma - University of Kentucky
"It's been exciting to see the impact and ease with which we were able to not only swiftly reach our goal, but exceed it by more than 50%! 这证明了彭宁顿对我们的支持, 我们将其归因于我们与他们长期合作关系的成功和利益."
Alpha Phi - University of Missouri
“坦率地说,如果没有彭宁顿,我认为这是行不通的. Aaron Forehand was a phenomenal leader, 金妮·布朗是我合作过的最好的顾问. 他们刺激了整个过程,并将分会与许多校友重新联系起来."
Howard Strickler | Alumni Board President
Alpha Delta Phi -华盛顿大学
“我们对彭宁顿的工作感到非常高兴 & Company did on behalf of the Alpha Mu chapter of Kappa Delta at the University of Mississippi. 我们的筹资活动成功地筹集了2美元.100万,使其成为最成功的女性团体之一. This would not have been possible without the dedication and enthusiasm of our campaign consultant.
我们也很满意为我们分会设计的竞选出版物. 彭宁顿在我们的竞选宣传册和文具方面做得非常出色, alumnae newsletters, and campaign emails. Since our campaign ended, we have continued our relationship with Pennington to create newsletters to keep our alumnae updated on chapter news and events.
Our organization of volunteers didn’t have the capacity to undertake such a large fundraising campaign and our new house wouldn’t be a reality without the help of Pennington. 我很乐意向任何考虑筹款项目的团体推荐潘宁顿. Retaining Pennington was one of the best decisions we made so that we could provide such a beautiful home for our 450+ members."
Whitney Byars | Housing Operations Manager
Kappa Delta Sorority
"As we began the $6 million fundraising campaign to build our new house for the Tau Beta Chapter of Chi Omega at Oklahoma State University, I was asked by Jacquie Kasner of Pennington and Company to be one of the co-chairpersons for the campaign. Jacquie and the entire team at Pennington led us through the process of raising this substantial amount of money.
2020年,我们在Tau Beta庆祝了100岁生日. Our birthday gift to the chapter is to build a new home for the members for the next 100 years. Through the amazing support of volunteers, organized and nurtured by Pennington, 也因为他们不断地分享信息, data, and encouragement, 我们的分会完全接受了这个计划,并取得了成果.
Without the experience, the knowledge, 以及杰奎·卡斯纳和彭宁顿专家团队的恩惠, this goal may have been insurmountable. But with them as a part of our team, we will break ground and celebrate another 100 years of sisterhood in a beautiful new home. Thank you, Pennington and Company. "
Cathy Ebert Jameson |竞选联合主席
Chi Omega - Oklahoma State University
"Mississippi Theta has exceeded our original fundraising goal because respected alumni leaders got involved, rolled up their sleeves, and are passionate for our success. 彭宁顿对这次成功绝对至关重要. What is amazing is that we broke ground on construction within almost 20 months of engaging Pennington; no one outside of the original committee thought that would be possible, but we stayed focused, organized, 在彭宁顿团队的指导下,我们彼此负责."
Stephen Farr | Campaign Chairman
Sigma Alpha Epsilon -密西西比州立大学
"Our house corporation could not have succeeded in the $6+ million renovation of our chapter house without the expertise of Pennington. Pre-campaign, 彭宁顿丰富的经验和见解帮助他找到了合适的领导, volunteers and target donors. 他们让我们在整个竞选过程中保持专注,并支持我们在竞选后的后续行动. Pennington developed a communication plan specific to our membership and helped us approach donors in meaningful and creative ways. 不管你的团队组织得有多好, the reality is that volunteers simply do not have the bandwidth to complete a proper campaign without professional help. Pennington & 陪伴是我们成功的重要因素."
Steve Nieslawski | Campaign Board Member
Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity
“我们对玛丽贝斯·布鲁萨德为我们所做的工作感到非常兴奋. Her fearless persistence in the face of disinterested and doubting alumni and some less-than-enthusiastic committee members, her good nature, and her enthusiasm for us and our program combined to make what I’m sure will be a successful campaign. 在悄无声息的竞选活动结束时,我们没有达到目标, she convinced us to go another two months, which resulted in a $100,000 improvement in the effort. 面对COVID和COVID,她帮助我们做到了这一切, 在路易斯安那州和德克萨斯州的油田,我们的大多数校友都在那里生活和工作, 大宗商品价格下跌和经济混乱."
Charles Sartain | Campaign Chairman
Acacia - Louisiana State University
"The success we had with Pennington at the University of Georgia made them the obvious choice to steer the capital campaign at Florida State University."
Amy Jo Gabel | Senior Director of Housing
Alpha Chi Omega National House Corporation
"The level of dedication, organization, and professionalism Addison Reed and the Pennington staff demonstrated was the driving force in our capital campaign's success. 即使在COVID-19期间,Addison也让我们的志愿者保持专注,帮助我们实现了目标. I would recommend Pennington & Company to any organization."
Pi Beta Phi - University of Mississippi
Craig M. Tucker | Board of Trustees Chairman
Sigma Alpha Epsilon -俄克拉荷马大学
“毫无疑问,我相信潘宁顿 & Company 是我们的努力能够成功的原因吗. 从可行性研究到宣传册的制作和捐助者的征集, 凯蒂·肯尼迪,我们的 campaign consultant, and the Pennington & Company teams allowed the board to succeed 当时它的许多成员以前没有资本竞选经验. Beyond the tools of the trade, the most impressive element was the company's ability to know their craft so well that we could pivot our strategy in the middle of the pandemic and still reach our financial goals.
在一个不同于以往的年份,在一个动荡的时期努力筹集资金, Katie showed that she was the consummate business professional versed in fundraising strategy and technique that could adapt as we lived each month of the pandemic together. 除了她明确定义的外展和招揽建议, 她显示出她是一个高度体贴的女人, which is something that cannot be taught and rather is felt by someone truly confident in their professional skill balanced with the belief in the value of their work. 对待志愿者,董事会成员,捐赠者, 未来的贡献者要有真诚和可爱的同情心和善良, 凯蒂表现得像我们姐妹情谊的延伸, 正是这个因素导致了我们筹款的成功. 2020年,我们的姐妹情谊得到加强,这是一个亮点. 我们将永远感激我们选择了潘宁顿 & Company to lead this campaign because they ensured our success to further the legacy we are creating for the chapter."
Alpha Delta Pi - Kansas State University
“彭宁顿的全体工作人员都很好地合作,使我们的竞选取得了成功. Their proven processes are just the right amount of ‘push’ needed to keep volunteer boards stay on track. 他们给董事会的建议从可行性研究到整个活动都很到位. I would not attempt such an ambitious project like this one without Pennington and highly recommend them to my friends in other chapters.”
John T. Murdock | House Corporation President
Pi Kappa Alpha - University of Alabama
“彭宁顿真的知道他们在做什么,当涉及到兄弟筹款! Their methodology is sound and tested. They are professional in every way. 我们的校友群体的反应出乎意料. 我们与彭宁顿的关系非常好,尤其是我们的顾问. 我们的成功远远超出了我们的预期."
Bob Seidell | Campaign Chairman
“Pennington & 公司为活动带来专业水平和个性化服务. 在90年代,为了纪念我们分会的75周年th anniversary, I fundraised for a Phi Mu Fountain in the center of the Ole Miss campus without a professional company and it was much harder than I expected. 当我们雇彭宁顿参加竞选时, it was amazing how involved our consultant was and the level of work and travel that they provided. I have recommended several more Phi Mu groups use Pennington’s services because it makes the process so much easier.”
Phi Mu - University of Mississippi
“人们问我,我们是如何超过500美元的,在60年来最严重的经济衰退期间实现了1万美元的目标, and I never hesitate to say, without Pennington & Co., we would not have been successful. We are unanimous in our belief that we could not have gotten to this fantastic place in our campaign without the help Pennington & Co.”
迪克西波士顿| House Corporation特别项目主席
Pi Beta Phi - Vanderbilt University
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